We finally received our new camera in the mail, so get ready to see some more pictures on this blog! case in point. ---------------------------------------->
The last week has been a frigid one in the Chicago land area. The Solara is now more aptly named the salt-mobile.
My weekend was dull, work and more work. It did not compare to the fun of last weekend when Al came to visit and we had a Wii-festival at Ham's. It had been a long time since I had burned the candle til 4 am.
and that is all...i really just wanted to mess about with my new Sony H-3 which I predict will be a fantastic moment capturer. if in fact capturer is a word. spell check says no, but i'm using it anyway. deal. and cheers!
Challenge: I do not think you can accurately claim your candle was burning until 4 a.m. - the flame went out somewhere around 2:30/3 and then it was just intermittent, glowing embers - and by embers I mean comments made with your eyes still closed.
I look forward to seeing some fantastic moments captured by the new camera.
I also agree - Mike may be able to claim close to 4am...with all the custom-built ExciteBike tracks he was creating. There were many comments mumbled from the hide-a-bed, however.
Snap some pics!
congrats on the camera! I'm also excited to see lots of pictures! Wiis are AMAZING!! My cousins walked all over me when we played over Chistmas break! They have so much more practice!! It sounds like you had a great time playing!
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