Saturday, January 19, 2008

blah blah

Things on my mind lately:

  • Illinoi-ans cannot drive during inclement weather. they either drive so fast they are dangerous or so slow they deserve an AARP card. Frustrating indeed.
  • my last semester of school is demanding. i do not enjoy it. vodka helps.
  • i hate david's bridal. this is not a new development. it's just that there are so many new brides after christmas i want to get hit by a mack truck so as i don't have to go in on saturdays.
  • why would anyone want to go on that new reality series where they hook you up to a lie detector and ask you incriminating questions while the incriminating people stare at you? do you want to ruin your life?
  • deuce and andrea are having a hadley and anthony and erica are having an unnamed. this is very exciting. however, i am still glad i am not preggers. this will not change.
  • i am missing old friends. please come to visit.
fin. cheers!


Anonymous said...

- i agree with the IL drivers comment. worst ever.

- pineapple malibu (triple shot, of course) also helps with school frustration, whether you are a student or faculty member

- brides do suck. that is why i continue to put off being one.

- i like the idea of a show where people have to fess up to who they really are. more people should be so willing.

- you left out that h and sam are having tonight at their house. wii and cocktails and al - that takes care of old friends coming to visit as well - it can't be beat.

-i'm calling you after i shower.

Jum said...

Kansas drivers suck too! I'm beginning to think that all drivers besides ND or MN drivers are brutal.

Anonymous said...

Kansas drivers are awful. There is no other way to describe it. They don't believe in going the speed limit...ever! They alway go 5-10 under.