Sunday, May 17, 2009

Why Not? Well...

Last "weekend" (meaning Mike's weekend, meaning Tuesday and Wednesday) Mike and I journed to his homeland. We hadn't been in Minot since Mike's little brother's graduation, so roughly a year. For the most part, I like visiting my in-laws. There is always a ton of delish food, usually prepared on a grill or in a rib smoker (yum) and an endless amount of alcoholic beverages served throughout the day. In fact, I usually refer to an upcoming trip to Minot as a 3 day bender (actual number of days variable to number of days of trip).

In fact, this trip was staring out swimmingly. Mike's extended family drove up from Bismarck on Tuesday night just to join us at the Bar-b-que and Mike's questionable cousin actually shaved off his mullet and didn't stare at my chest, so aces. We were having a great time, chating and drinking and watching Mike's little cousin (Mullet's son) pee his pants twice in front of everyone. Smooth sailing, right up until someone (read: my father-in-law) decides to start talking about politics. Now, perhaps it should be said that my in-laws are turbo I-heart-Rush-and-my-gun Republicans. In the past, I may or may not have gotten into some ill-advised 'discussions' about politics before I understood that discussion and dissention of Headrick opinion are not allowed. So I guess what I am trying to say that everyone knows that I am a turbo bleeding-heart-not-just-voted-for-Barack-but-contributed-to-his-campaign Liberal and subsequently they all kind of don't like me. In the interest of keeping the peace, and let's face it at my husband's insistance, I have taken the policy of keeping my mouth shut during political discussions and/or changing the subject and/or flat out leaving the room when I can't take it anymore (this is where that whole 3 day bender thing comes in handy). Suffice to say, this goes against my upbringing and general nature, but really is best for all involved. And let's face it, indirectly being called a "Communist" five or six times is pretty mild compared to what's been said to me in the past, so the weekend was pretty successful on this point as well.

Highlights include: My mother-in-law and I getting pedicures, Erica, Anthony, Brayden and Easton showing up, the gravy at Speedway and this little gem, a fine version of the National Anthem/O Canada:

Lowlights include: aforementioned political bashing, the kid who wouldn't stop screaming the entire flight from Minot to Mpls, and the possiblity of either mike or I throwing up on the flight from Mpls to Minot. I won't say who did or did not throw up, but it was me.

In conclusion, I am just over-joyed thinking about our 7 day Bender in November. Lord knows I'll need the booze. Anyone want to come join the fun? Tara, get ready.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

run, run rudolph

So I've taken up running again. Not because I like it, but because I have to do it to retain any suitable level of fitness. I have mixed feelings about the running. When I get good at it, and let's be honest, I'm using the term "good" pretty fast and loose here, I almost like it. I get a kind of euphoria when I'm done and a great feeling of accomplishment when, say, I've finished running 13.1 miles without passing out. When I am bad at it, as I am now, I hate running with the fire of a thousand suns. The irony of Mike's incredible level of running fitness comparatively to my uber poor level of running fitness is not lost on me. At one point Mike could not run a full mile without stopping to walk while I was buzzing by him with gusto. Therein lies the most frustrating thing about running, if you don't continue to run, it's like you never did.

That being said, last night, after a grocery trip to Target, Mike decided we needed to go to out on a run before it got too dark. I decided we needed to eat dinner first, both to quench my hunger and as a secret ploy to not have to run. After some tasty turkey sandwiches and some crispy raw veggies, we were off. 3 min into the run it started to rain, but only slightly. The further we got from home, the harder it started raining until it went from a drizzle to a pour. Mike, who it should be said is a little off mentally since he started his training, is loving the rain, talking about if he could ever run a hundred miles in one day and having a great time. I on the other hand, am barely breathing, burping up broccoli and fighting nausea. We finally make it home and I am mostly soaking wet, which is to say that because of "the shelf" only the top of Barack's head is wet, and completely exhausted. I am feeling a small amount of personal accomplishment, but no euphoria. But on a positive note, a hot shower has never felt so good.

Stupid Mike

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Future Jim

I forgot to mention that at Mike's half marathon I saw future Jim. If in fact future Jim takes up bicyling and enjoys the touch of spandex to his skin.

You're welcome.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Plight of an Iron Man

As many of you know, Mike is training for the uber-insane Iron Man triathlon. He has subsequently signed up for many smaller races as part of his training. The last week was bookended by two substantial races. The first was accompanied by a super fast trip to Mo-town for the 25th Annual (2nd Tri) Tinman Triathlon. Some may remember this as the same tri Mike and I trained for last year which got snowed out. We departed on Friday at 1:23 P.M. and arrived in Morris a short 8 hours and 15 minutes later. Mike woke up early and headed for the pool. My family all showed up for the festivities. Here's the breakdown of the race: 1100 yard swim, 19 mile bike, 6.2 mile run. Mike finished the swim in 18 min. Here he is biking: 1 hour 10 min.
Here he is at the finish. Took him 53 min to run the 10k, nothing to sneeze at if you ask me.
I don't have any photos of the swim. Someone forgot to bring her camera to that part. In total it took him 2 hours and 23 min. Way to go Mikey!

Last Sunday Mike ran his first half marathon. He has been living in my shadow for the past year and a half and had to do one of his own. I may or may not have been taunting him that I have run farther than him. I consider taunting to be one of the pillars of a good marriage. Needless to say I reminded him that if he didn't beat my time of 2 hours 12 min. he would never hear the end of it. Here he is at the start of his half.

This race took place in a city park that was an old farmstead and had these really sweet barns. I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with photographing barns, but I won't bore you with all of my barn photos, just this one with a runner in it. He ended up finishing in 1 hour 56 min. which of course, obliterated my time. See, taunting works :)
In conclusion, I haven't done anything blog worthy in the past week, unless you count pouring wine at a festival blog worthy. Therefore, I live vicariously through my husband. His Iron Man plight is indeed inspiring. I hope many of you can make it to cheer him on September 13th in Madison, WI for Iron Man Moo!