You know what I love? Words that you can type with only one hand. I know, I know, that sounds simple and mundane, but it makes me happy when I come across them. Words like "stresses," which normally would be a word I would hate due to it's meaning and general existence in my life. But typing it, typing it is pure joy. Only my left hand has to work. My right hand just hangs out and sips a dirty martini while my left hand basks in the accomplishment of doing something all on her own. It may only last for 5 seconds, but it's 5 seconds of heaven, people.
I wish I could relay more one handed typing words to you at this point because it would flesh out my point as well as make me appear to remember things that make me happy, but alas, my early onset Alzheimer's has flared up once again. If you happen to come across some of these glorious words, do send them my way. I always need a 30 second one-handed typing break to bring a little joy to my day.
Wishing you a simple joy for your Thursday.
How did you miss these?!
Scarted, retracts, scarted, retracts. SO FUN ALL DAY.
I love you, rlmc! (also, spellcheck wants your acronym to be Elmo.)
desserts caresses arrested created verses tresses treated streets breaded bragged grabbed dreaded ratted = SO MUCH JOY.
aggregate aggregated stewardesses resecreted aftercataracts cataracts
after cataracts a stewardess eats a wedded czars cat
Mr Bear
Thanks, a love!
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