Thursday, March 20, 2008

house hunters part two...

scratch the second link. Use this one instead:



Anonymous said...

The house hunt starts now! One of my fav HGTV shows is House Hunters! i like the first link on your previous post. It seems like it has more room. But if room is not a concern the link on this post is adorable. It looks like a little cottage! I saw Megan in Minot; I'm on Spring Break.

Jum said...

#1 seems bigger, but #2 is cooler. I vote #2.

Anonymous said...

I like house #1. It is bigger, has a garage, more of a yard, and it seems more homey. The kitchen looks nicer in house #1 as well. From watching house hunters with Jenna and all those other house shows on HGTV it appears a nice kitchen really adds to the value of your house and is easier to sell. But remember its also about location location location. Let me know what house you go with.

c. said...

Thanks all for your input. I will expand a bit on both houses, since you can't see everything from the pictures:

House #1 (Oswego House) does have a bigger kitchen with more storage. You are very right, Nate, kitchen does add a lot of value. However, House #2, (Aurora House) also has a nice kitchen.

Oswego House is bigger, but only has one bathroom (Aurora House has one and a half baths). As far as the space factor goes, I think it would be okay, but there is no dinning room in Aurora, which we may just have to be creative about.

Aurora House only has a one stall garage, but has a carport, so Mike's truck would have some protection from the elements.

Actually Nate, Aurora House has a bigger back yard. The size of the yard for Oswego house is deceiving, the front yard has a more room than the back.

Another plus for Aurora house is that is fully fenced in for the puppies we will soon get.

Oswego house is located about 30 min drive from Mike's work, but is close to a river with lots of running/biking trails.

Aurora house is located 5 min from Mike's work and is in the neighborhood of the college I attend.

So in terms of location, location, location, they both have pluses.

And the last thing, of course, is price. Oswego house, with it's tons of room and nice kitchen is priced 30,000 higher and has higher taxes. We could swing it, but if we purchase Aurora house we would basically spend the same on our mortgage as we spend on rent now.

I can't sleep at night. What should we do?

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you're pulling for the Aurora house. Just embrace it and buy already. You'll just have to teach me how to say the name of the street correctly.

c. said...

oh H, you see right through me, I was trying so hard to disguise which house I liked more. Guess which house Mikel likes more? I'm sure you and Mike would pick Oswego and Sam and I would pick Aurora, haha.

I believe it's pronounced mar-ss-el-ay. I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Yo... actually i would pick oswego house...bigger, seems to be more updated inside...also I think a one car garage would be a drag. Some day mike will have to give up on the old truck and but a car he might want parked in the garage...PLUS he needs room for the motorcycle! SAM

Blogger Tyler said...

I'm kind of digging house #1 my self but it's close. It's really nice to have that extra bathroom like in Aurora house but the extra bedroom in Oswego house would be nice.

Andrea and I are really wishing at this point we had a 3rd bedroom as it would be so nice for storage and guest room/office.

Either way tough decision and I wish you many luck!!!

Rachel Mattson said...

facing the facts, it doesnt matter if the house is close to your college, since you're done in like 2 mths.

however, my favorite is the aurora house, hands down. it's so dainty and has character-a-ha-ha.

love the shoes, love the bag, love everything, love to.